Study center
Study center

The Bolton-Brush Center houses more than 200,000 radiographs of the head (lateral and frontal views) and the major joints of the body (shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, pelvis, knee, and ankle/foot).

study center study center

Holly Broadbent Jr., the Brush Inquiry and Bolton Study collections combined to form the Bolton-Brush Growth Study Center, which is housed at the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine. Between the two collections, there were over 6,000 research subjects with over 2,800 of those subjects participating in both studies. Over the years, radiographs were taken of the same individuals on an annual basis for the purpose of determining how the body grows. The radiograph was the primary tool used by these researchers to study the physical changes that occurred in the bones of the body with time. The Bolton Study, concentrating on growth and development of the face and teeth, was initiated in 1929 by B. T Wingate Todd and his associates to examine normal human mental and physical growth and development. The Brush Inquiry was initiated in 1926 as an effort by Prof. ‌The Bolton-Brush Growth Study Center research collection comprises the world’s most extensive source of longitudinal human growth data. Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA).DMD/Master's in Clinical Research (MCRT).Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Clinic (OMR).Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences (OMMDS).Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD).Contact the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.

Study center